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Driving success through
software implementation strategies

Software Implementation

Embarking on a software implementation journey poses obstacles for any organization, particularly in navigating the complex technical landscape while integrating new solutions into existing processes and systems. Key challenges include careful consideration of data migration, system compatibility, and customization to ensure a seamless transition. Equally critical is managing organizational change, addressing employee resistance or adaptation difficulties through adequate training and change management strategies.

At London Consulting Group, we maximize your company's potential through
efficient software implementation
in your operations

Furthermore, coordinating and communicating across various departments—IT teams, business units, and vendors—can present formidable challenges, especially in large-scale implementations. Overcoming these hurdles demands expertise, experience, and a strategic approach. At London Consulting Group, we specialize in assisting businesses like yours to achieve a seamless software transition.


How we push your business growth with an efficient software implementation

We specialize in software implementation, offering meticulous planning, resource allocation, and effective communication to streamline operations and align software with unique business needs. Our comprehensive support includes training, system administration, and issue resolution for a seamless transition to live production. By leveraging software capabilities, we empower companies for long-term growth in the digital landscape.


Our process of
software implementation

Our software implementation process takes a comprehensive approach to ensure a successful transition to a more efficient and productive business operation. It begins with detailed work planning and resource preparation, laying the groundwork for a seamless implementation journey.


We conduct a comprehensive work plan outlining the resources essential for software implementation. This plan defines users, technology, and functionalities tailored to optimize the company's processes.

Establishing Governance and Roles

Define governance structure: Establish a governance framework outlining roles and responsibilities.

Executive sponsorship: Define the executive sponsor role responsible for overseeing the project.

Key functional users: Identify and define key functional users integral to the implementation process.

Necessary technology: Specify the technology required for successful implementation.

Change agents: Identify change agents responsible for facilitating and driving organizational change.

Organizational Change Management

Roles & responsibilities: Outline roles and responsibilities across the implementation team.

Change Management Program: Develop a comprehensive change management program to navigate organizational shifts.

Project schedule creation: Generate a project schedule detailing timelines and milestones.

System Implementation Specification

Communication of implementation strategy: Clearly communicate how the new system aligns with company objectives, focusing on defining the test strategy, establishing security controls, and identifying key performance indicators.

AS-IS to TO-BE process analysis: Identify and document gaps between current (AS-IS) and future (TO-BE) processes.

Business process documentation: Document specifications for business processes.

Product installation: Install the product within the specified framework.

Data source identification: Identify source systems for data and relationships.

Test strategy definition: Define the strategy for testing the implemented system.

Security controls establishment: Establish necessary security controls.

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): Define and establish KPIs for system performance evaluation.

Technological infrastructure framework: Specify infrastructure requirements.

Specification approval: Obtain approval for the implemented specifications.

Meticulous Implementation and Quality Assurance

Business process implementation: Implement requirements outlined in the designed blueprint across each part of the business process.

Technical integration & functionality testing: Conduct technical integration and functionality tests, including user and security tests, ensuring seamless operation of the newly implemented software interface.

Configuration and interface implementation: Implement designed configurations and interfaces.

Reports and business process configuration: Configure reports and business processes as per specifications.

User and system role definition: Define users and system roles within the implemented software.

Data migration: Transfer data to the new system.

Test case definition: Define test cases for thorough evaluation.

Testing phases: Conduct unit tests, integration tests, functionality tests, and security tests.

User Acceptance Testing (UAT): Execute user testing (UAT) to ensure alignment with user needs and expectations.

GO-LIVE Preparation

Comprehensive employee support: Equip employees with necessary skills, configure software, and address challenges to ensure a successful GO Live. This sets the stage to maximize software capabilities, enhance efficiency, and streamline processes.

User procedures preparation: Prepare detailed user procedures.

User training program development: Develop a comprehensive user training program.

User training execution: Conduct thorough user training sessions.

Transition management: Oversee smooth transition processes.

Go-Live readiness assessment: Assess readiness for the GO Live phase.

GO-LIVE and Support

Transition to live environment: Move from pre-production to live production operations.

Adoption of new processes: Initiate the use of new processes and procedures in real production.

Implementation checklist: Utilize an implementation checklist for functionality verification.

Ongoing support: Provide continuous support in case of any issues or contingencies.


Increase your business’ operational
efficiency and productivity

Empower your team's decision-making capabilities by facilitating access to pertinent information, refining processes and personnel management, optimizing workflows, and enhancing resource allocation efficiency.

What makes us different

Business process reengineering expertise: Specializing in business process reengineering, we optimize operations and elevate business processes through software integration.

Comprehensive implementation support: Our support ensures accurate system implementation.

Adaptation to your process: Prioritizing alignment with your existing business process, we tailor the system to minimize disruption and maximize productivity.

Performance monitoring and optimization: We establish and track key performance indicators, allowing us to evaluate system effectiveness and make necessary adjustments for optimal results.


Leveraging ERP Software for Business Excellence

Given the widespread adoption of ERP software, numerous businesses serve as examples of successful implementations. Based on data from a report by Panorama Consulting Solutions, 88% of companies reported their ERP implementations as successful, while the remaining 12% experienced challenges or considered theirs as failures. It enables companies to leverage advanced features and functionalities that are specifically designed to address their unique business needs. This customization and alignment with the organization's processes can lead to better decision-making, streamlined workflows, and improved customer service.

ERP Case Study: How ERP Software Can Affect Your Business, Selecthubtécnica

Take the next step towards a smooth
Software implementation today!