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Maximize your business’ technological
investment for operational efficiency

Software Evaluation
& Selection

Across several industries, there's a common misconception that implementing new technology resolves operational issues and aligns with future business needs. However, the true success lies in aligning technology to the unique facets of a business, setting it apart from competitors. Often, companies lack essential knowledge about critical system elements and fail to foresee market demands, risking automation errors and investment losses.

At London Consulting Group,
specialize in optimizing
technological investments
seamless software implementation

Achieve operational transformation by strategically selecting software that aligns with your business objectives. We bridge the gap between new technologies and your current operations, evaluating your organization's readiness for new software while mitigating technological investment risks.


How we prepare your organization for a successful software implementation

Our comprehensive approach meticulously assesses your organization's needs by analyzing existing processes, data, and systems in alignment with your strategic objectives. We define crucial evaluation elements including system connectivity, configuration timeframe, and cost considerations. Through this thorough process, we empower you to make informed decisions and seamlessly implement a software solution that perfectly aligns with your business needs.


Our process of software
evaluation & selection

Deep-dive Analysis

Prior to implementation, we conduct a comprehensive assessment of your company's readiness by evaluating your existing technological infrastructure, current business processes, and available resources.

How we do it

Work system analysis: Detailed examination of key elements such as documented processes, workflows, and performance indicators in your inventory.

Workforce profile analysis: Evaluation of the workforce profile and distribution across your organization.

Activity lists: Creation of detailed descriptions outlining tasks performed within your operations.

System mapping: Visual mapping of interconnected systems, databases, and repositories within your organization.


We conduct a thorough analysis of your existing processes, data, and systems, aligning them with your organization's strategy to pinpoint critical gaps that require attention.

How we do it

Blueprint creation: Develop a blueprint encompassing both standard and personalized processes, necessary data, Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), and a Demo Script.

Request for Proposals (RFPs): Tailored RFPs aligned with your organization's unique requirements.

Demos and functionality evaluation: Assess functionality, usability, and adaptability of demos to your business needs.

Software evaluation matrix: Compare software solutions based on functionality, scalability, security, cost, technical support, and more, ensuring the optimal choice for your company's needs.


We identify functional areas, system connectivity, configuration timeframe, and cost while establishing specific criteria for evaluation.

Software scoring model

Technical capacity evaluation: Perform a thorough assessment of the implementing partner/vendor's technical capabilities and capacity.

Partner suitability for implementation: Evaluate the partner's suitability for successfully implementing the software.

Technical sheet with capacity assessment

Technical capacity evaluation: Perform a thorough assessment of the implementing partner/vendor's technical capabilities and capacity.

Partner suitability for implementation: Evaluate the partner's suitability for successfully implementing the software.

Processes vs Software Analysis

Gap analysis: Identify discrepancies between desired processes and software capabilities.

Customization definition: Define necessary software adaptations or customizations to align with desired processes.

Supplier Scoring Matrix

Comprehensive assessment criteria: Evaluate suppliers/vendors based on product quality, pricing, customer support, delivery timelines, and reputation.

Scoring for informed decision-making: Score suppliers to facilitate an informed decision in software selection.


Streamline Your Software
Implementation for Optimal
Business Alignment

Execute a seamless software implementation aligned with your business operations, ensuring practical user adoption. Our comprehensive approach is designed to achieve objectives set by your leadership team, guaranteeing their successful realization, and delivering tangible benefits to your organization.

What makes us different

Strategic operational improvements: We specialize in developing and implementing operational improvements strategically, ensuring alignment with your overall business strategy.

Collaborative approach: Working closely across all organizational levels, we foster collaboration, ensuring that diverse perspectives and insights are considered in every initiative.

Efficient platform analysis: We analyze your existing platforms and technologies to rapidly identify operational needs, enabling efficient improvements without major disruptions or hefty investments.

Holistic connection management: Acting as the liasion between business, technology, and suppliers, we comprehend SME decisions' impact, conduct vital data exploration and definition, and grasp the operational implications of software implementation.


Adapting Software Solutions for Efficient Operations

With the shift towards remote work, according to Harvard Business Report, many companies are realizing that their outdated software suites no longer meet the demands of a flexible and location-independent work environment. In addition, the lack of integration between systems results in additional burdens for users who struggle with inefficient software, often spending excessive hours, even on personal time, to support basic business processes. Another crucial yet often overlooked aspect of successful digital transformation is conducting a comprehensive needs analysis for each department and group targeted for transformation. By thoroughly assessing the requirements of each area, organizations can ensure a tailored software solution that drives effective and efficient operations throughout the entire business.

Do You Have the Right Software for Your Digital Transformation?, Harvard Business Report

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