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Optimize your organization's human talent

Organizational Development by Competencies

Not having precise definitions of the competencies required for each position, something that often happens in many organizations today, translates into difficulties in developing the essential skills. Lack of familiarity with the organization’s development processes leads companies to underestimate the value that these processes generate, while low prioritization of strategic HR processes widens the gap between talent management and the organization’s objectives.

Having a comprehensive employee development model has become a crucial asset for companies. This allows them to cultivate the necessary skills to ensure the fulfillment of their strategic plans. Implementing strategic human resources processes is an essential element when attempting to effectively attract, retain, and develop employees. These processes need to focus on key competencies that drive organizational success.

At London Consulting Group we
align your employees’ skills
and competencies with your
strategic objectives

Maximize your company's productivity, efficiency, and innovation by focusing on developing specific skills that are essential for success in key roles. Acquire accurate human talent management processes that simplify the identification, training, and retention of employees with critical skills, while refining practices in order to ensure effective employee retention. Raise your team's performance by strategically aligning key competencies with the organization’s objectives, thus fostering your company's sustainable growth.


How we develop the skills and competencies of your human talent

Using a holistic approach, we work with you and your team to establish the fundamental bases that enable your organization to select, develop, and retain the best talent by implementing a complete competency model. We design an efficient system to attract and select talent that aligns with your organization’s objectives. We streamline the integration of new employees through tools designed to improve their experience during the first 90 days at your organization. We establish processes and tools to empower and manage your employees’ performance, developing the skills that they need if they are to succeed in their roles. Furthermore, we implement knowledge management processes and tools that enable your organization to continuously develop your personnel. During the process, we identify and manage the personnel’s commitments and motivators, which enables you to retain the best talent in your organization.


Our process for implementing a competency-based organizational development model

Deep-dive Analysis

Over approximately 30 weeks, we carry out a collaborative project with you and your team, using agile methodologies and various interventions to design and implement essential processes that are needed to develop your human talent. We carefully plan and execute strategies that are tailored to your organization’s specific needs with the objective of strengthening individual and collective competencies. Throughout this process, we seek to improve performance, promote professional growth, and enhance the employees’ ability to adapt to a dynamic work environment.

How we do it

Establishing skill bases for attracting, developing, and retaining talent: We transform your organization by creating solid skill bases, ensuring a comprehensive approach to attracting, developing, and retaining the talent required to achieve the strategic objectives.

Efficient system for attracting and selecting human talent: We implement an efficient work system that optimizes the processes of attracting and selecting talent, aligning them perfectly with your organization’s purposes and goals. We help you identify and acquire the most suitable professionals for your team.

Designing management tools for employee performance: We develop and apply innovative management tools that enhance your employees’ performance. These tools are designed to promote continuous growth in a way that aligns with the company's strategic objectives, contributing to the organization’s long-term success.


We work closely with you to implement strategic processes in your organization’s human resources department. These processes are vital for attracting, retaining, and effectively developing employees based on their key competencies.

Competency Architecture

Establishing a competency dictionary in the organization: We develop a robust competency dictionary that serves as a comprehensive point of reference for the entire organization. This dictionary provides a clear and consistent method for assessing and developing talent effectively.

Competency profiling by position according to organizational challenges: We profile, in detail, the specific competencies for each position, ensuring that they are perfectly aligned with the organization’s challenges and objectives. This approach guarantees that you select and develop employees who will drive the company's success.

Designing and defining a macrostructure: We create an organizational macrostructure that optimizes the distribution of competencies at all levels. This strategic design contributes to efficient talent management, improving productivity and adaptability to change.

Detecting the talent gap: We accurately identify the existing talent gaps in the organization. This in-depth analysis enables us to implement specific strategies to close those gaps, thus strengthening the company's skill set.

Talent Attraction

Designing the talent journey: We develop a comprehensive talent journey, from attracting the right talent to continuous development. This design ensures a positive employee experience that is aligned with the organization’s objectives, contributing to improved retention and performance.

Designing an attraction strategy: We create an attractive and effective talent attraction strategy. This design is tailored to the specific needs of the organization, using innovative approaches to attract the most qualified professionals, and ensuring that they align with the corporate culture.

Designing an x-ray selecting process: We develop a transparent and efficient selection process using a carefully designed X-Ray search strategy. This approach enables us to thoroughly evaluate the candidates, ensuring informed decision-making and that the candidates’ competencies meet with the requirements.

Designing selection filters: We define specific and customized selection filters that align with the organization's key criteria. These filters ensure that only the most suitable candidates advance through the selection process, thus optimizing time and resources.

Defining the profile tests: We create accurate and relevant profile tests that assess the specific competencies required for each position. These tests are instrumental in carrying out more complete candidate evaluations, enabling us to identify those who best meet the position’s requirements.

Implementing competency-based interviews: We introduce competency-based interviews as an integral part of the selection process. This structured, evidence-based approach allows us to objectively assess the candidates' key skills and behaviors.


Designing the user journey: We design a comprehensive user journey to ensure an effective induction experience that is aligned with the organization's objectives. This design covers the entire process, from the moment that the new employee arrives until they’ve been completely integrated into the team and understand the corporate culture.

Measuring the user experience during the induction process (30/60/90): We implement a system to measure the users’ experience during the critical stages of your induction process, specifically after 30, 60, and 90 days of being at the company. This measurement provides valuable data that allows the organization to evaluate the effectiveness of the process and to make any necessary adjustments.

Designing an onboarding follow-up tool: We develop an onboarding follow-up tool that is designed to continuously monitor and evaluate the induction process. This tool provides key insights that can help the organization improve the user experience and ensure a smooth transition into the organization.

Implementing data analytics in BI: We integrate Data Analytics tools in Business Intelligence to effectively analyze data related to the onboarding process. This implementation enables the organization to make more informed and strategic decisions, allowing them to make dynamic and adaptive adjustments to the onboarding process in order to optimize results.

Talent Development

Designing a development strategy: We work together to create a comprehensive development strategy that aligns with the organization’s objectives and promotes continuous employee growth. This strategy covers various aspects, from technical skills to soft skills and leadership.

Digital sprint for development tools: We carry out a Digital Sprint to implement innovative development tools that enhance the employees’ skills and competencies. This agile approach ensures that the digital solutions are quickly integrated and adopted.

Implementing performance evaluations: We develop and implement a performance evaluation system designed to provide meaningful and objective feedback. This process plays a significant part in the personnel’s continuous improvement and the alignment of individual objectives with the organization’s objectives.

Implementing Individual Development Plans (IDP): We develop individual development plans that are tailored to the needs and aspirations of each employee. This personalized approach ensures that each team member has a clear roadmap regarding their professional growth and development.

Implementing the 70,20,10 development model: We apply the 70,20,10 development model, promoting experiential learning (70%), interaction with others (20%), and formal training (10%). This methodology supports comprehensive and sustainable development.

Talent analysis: We analyze the personnel’s talent to identify strengths, areas for improvement, and leadership potential within the organization. These insights guide specific development strategies and their integration into the talent management process.

Knowledge Management

Benchmark analysis of LMS platforms: We analyze in detail the Learning Management Platforms (LMS) on the market, identifying their strengths and weaknesses. This benchmark analysis allows you to select the platform that best meets your organization’s needs.

Implementing the LMS tool: We comprehensively implement the LMS platform, ensuring a smooth transition and an efficient integration with existing systems. Our approach ensures that the technology is used effectively in employee training and development.

Content generation strategy: We develop a solid strategy for generating learning content, ensuring that the content is aligned with the organization’s objectives. This strategy includes creating educational material, from multimedia resources to interactive content, that maximizes learning impact.

Generating content for competencies and specific development needs: We create specific content based on key competencies and specific development needs identified in the organization. This customized approach ensures that the learning content is aligned with individual and organizational development goals, maximizing its relevance and effectiveness.


Designing measurement tools: We develop customized tools to measure performance, satisfaction, and other key indicators within the organization. These tools are designed to provide accurate and relevant information that facilitates informed decision-making.

Designing and implementing work environment surveys: We create and carry out work environment surveys designed to evaluate the perception and satisfaction of the employees in your organization. Our methodology includes identifying areas for improvement and implementing strategies that strengthen the work environment, thus contributing to the personnel’s well-being and overall performance.


Improve the productivity
and efficiency of your talent

In order to align the personnel’s competencies with the company's strategy, it is vital to analyze the skills and knowledge required for each position. The talent attraction strategy should focus on the employer’s brand, using effective channels and participating in key events. Recruitment processes should be adjusted according to the hierarchical level, with specific assessments for leadership roles. The onboarding process should be an immersive experience that uses digital tools to provide effective follow-up. Employee retention involves analyzing causes of turnover and designing customized action plans. A personnel development culture is fostered through training programs and internal growth opportunities that are supported at every stage of the process by specialized tools and data.

What makes us different

We have created a comprehensive model that encompasses all fundamental aspects of the organization, transcending both its structure and talent acquisition. Our strategic structure is designed to not only facilitate the fulfillment of objectives but also to align it closely with the organization’s vision. Furthermore, we have implemented efficient work and digitalization systems in order to adapt quickly to the necessary changes in the organization's digital environment.


AI Revolution: Personalization and success in recruitment

According to a recent study by HR Exchange Network, significant progress is expected in the integration of artificial intelligence into HR technology by 2024. Numerous HR professionals are gearing up to capitalize on the benefits provided by AI. Specifically, in recruiting, AI has proven its efficiency by simplifying candidate screening, reducing unconscious bias, saving time and costs, and providing candidates with an enhanced experience with quick and personalized responses.

8 HR Trends for 2024, HR Exchange Network

Transform your human talent
And achieve business success