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Optimize your company’s competitiveness and profitability

Operations Planning

The constant search for profitability and efficiency in the business world is a crucial challenge. Companies often face difficulties due to a lack of proper product and customer prioritization, which then negatively impacts profitability. Furthermore, expected margins are affected by high costs in areas such as warehousing, logistics, transportation, and raw materials. These obstacles can limit business success. However, implementing effective operations planning can be the key to overcoming these challenges. Operations planning enables companies to anticipate and proactively manage their resources, including labor, raw materials, and equipment, which enables them to efficiently meet market demands and achieve their strategic objectives.

At London Consulting Group we
boost your processes and resources
towards greater operational efficiency

Cross-functional leadership and agile continuous improvement committees are critical to making timely collective decisions. This integration facilitates area management by generating comprehensive solutions that effectively address your organization's operational challenges.


How we transform your resource management

Our main objective is to improve internal communication and process efficiency in all the involved areas. This is done by prioritizing optimal resource management, which allows us to achieve outstanding levels of operational efficiency. This improvement translates directly into a significant increase in the company's profitability. We develop and carry out a comprehensive operations plan that is completely aligned with the strategic objectives established by the company’s leadership. We focus our efforts on meeting the customers’ needs, allowing us to accurately balance demand with our production capacity.

Furthermore, we carefully consider and assess the risks associated with each of our operational processes. This forward-looking approach enables us to strengthen our ability to respond to dynamic market changes. We focus on optimizing resource management and reducing costs and time, which leads to greater overall efficiency in all the company's operations.


Our process for operations planning

Deep-dive Analysis

This comprehensive assessment is critical as it ensures that the company is aligned with its long-term objectives. Identifying strategic and organizational improvement opportunities ensures that you are in an optimal position to achieve those goals.

How we do it

• Evaluating the company's current operations.

• Analyzing the company's long-term strategic objectives.

• Evaluating available resources, such as personnel, equipment, raw materials, and production capacity.

• Analyzing external factors that could impact the company's operations, such as government regulations, changes in the industry, among others.


In tune with your company's specific objectives, we work closely with your team to design tailored processes and models that drive improvements in your company’s different operational areas. This customized approach allows us to develop strategies and solutions that are precisely aligned with your specific goals and needs, ensuring tangible improvements in every aspect of your operation.

Demand Planning

Sales forecast model: We develop a structured model to forecast future demand based on market analysis, historical trends, and relevant variables, allowing you to anticipate needs and make informed strategic decisions.

Designing and implementing an S&OP (Sales & Operations Planning) Model: We create an integrated process that aligns your operations with the company’s goals, coordinating forecasted sales with the available operations and resources to optimize business planning.

Designing the planning cycle model: We establish a strategic framework that organizes and synchronizes the key stages of the planning process, from developing the strategy to execution.

Defining the lost sales model: We identify and analyze the sales that did not materialize, allowing us to understand the causes and establish strategies that minimize lost sales.

Inventory balancing: We optimize your inventory management processes to maintain optimal levels that meet demand, avoiding surpluses or shortages that may impact the operation.

Supply Planning

Supply model design: We develop a comprehensive model that analyzes and structures how the necessary resources are obtained for production or sales, taking efficiency, costs, and quality into account.

Designing a procurement plan: We establish a strategic plan for the acquisition of materials and supplies, considering demand, delivery times, suppliers, and costs to optimize acquisitions and minimize risks.

Implementing a real-time statistical replenishment model: We integrate a dynamic inventory replenishment model based on statistical data and demand changes, allowing us to adjust stock levels quickly and accurately to maintain an optimal flow of products.

Production Planning

Master production plan: We create a detailed strategic plan that coordinates production in the short and medium term, considering demand, production capacity, available resources, and restrictions to ensure the company’s objectives are met.

Defining the operational capacity: We establish clear parameters and limits on the company's production and operational capacity, taking available resources, facilities, and technology into account.

Designing the capacity plan tools: We develop specific tools that measure, evaluate, and forecast the company's operating capacity in relation to demand and available resources.

Inventory policy design and definition: We establish guidelines and procedures to manage the inventory efficiently, optimizing stock levels and minimizing costs without compromising the availability of the products.

Redesigning the operational industrial process: We create a structured process that facilitates the operation’s transition towards new strategies, technologies, or work methods to maintain competitiveness and efficiency.

Logistics Planning

Route and destination planning model: We develop a strategic system that optimizes the distribution of products or services, taking into account transportation efficiency, times, costs, and delivery conditions for different destinations.

Dispatch plan model: We establish a detailed plan for managing dispatches that takes into account schedules, logistical capabilities, volume, and locations to guarantee timely and efficient deliveries.

Order prioritization process: We create a structured method for prioritizing and managing incoming orders, considering criteria such as urgency, inventory availability, and demand, among others, to ensure efficient production or delivery.

Innovation and Digitalization

Digitizing the control and management of performance variables: We implement digital tools that efficiently monitor and manage the company's key performance variables, facilitating the process of gathering information, analyzing it, and presenting relevant data for decision-making.

Redesigning and digitizing the governance model: We modernize and digitize the company's governance model, establishing digital structures and tools that enable more effective decision-making, internal communications, transparency, and accountability within the organization.


Improve the operational efficiency of your business

Strategically coordinate demand, production, sourcing, logistics, and digitalization to anticipate and effectively manage your resources and processes. By improving efficiency and reducing costs, you maximize customer satisfaction and your ability to adapt to the dynamic business environment. This proactive approach enables you to achieve long-term, sustainable profitability and strengthens your company's ability to successfully overcome the challenges presented by an ever-changing marketplace.

What makes us different

• We establish an effective level of synchronization between the areas involved in the strategic plan, optimizing communication and the flow of information.

• We train your team to proactively identify and address risk factors in the operations, ensuring agile and preventive decision-making.

• We promote agile leadership in your team, stimulating the development of comprehensive solutions and the ability to adapt to evolving challenges.

• We improve workload efficiency and volume management by automating and digitizing your processes, streamlining operations and optimizing the available resources.


The keys to transformation in S&OP

Most companies nowadays run Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software and enhance their material and resource planning through the use of Supply Chain Management (SCM) software, according to Oracle. In addition to this growing trend, the integration of emerging technologies, such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT), into the Sales and Operations Planning (S&OP) arena has become an equally important factor that companies need to keep track of if they want to stay competitive in the marketplace.

What is Sales & Operations Planning (S&OP)?, Oracle

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