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Secure your company's direction in an era of constant change

Leadership Accelerators

In the current business context, characterized by speed and constant changes in the market, the ability to develop leaders with expanded capabilities becomes essential when facing the dynamic and competitive business reality. Resistance to change, especially in the adoption of digital tools and agile methodologies, can limit companies’ potential, leaving them with obsolete and less competitive processes.

The development of leaders in the company’s key departments not only drives innovation in internal processes but also enables the organization to respond with agility to the organizational environment and external factors, both in the present and the future. Learning and applying agile methodologies becomes imperative when designing and implementing innovation projects that benefit the company, generating a positive impact on its profitability.

At London Consulting Group we
develop leaders with methodologies
that allow the internal processes

to be innovated and optimized

Optimize your personnel’s performance by establishing elements that facilitate how the teams are managed through effective leadership styles, thus improving the efficiency of their processes. Build fundamental departments in your company with leaders who are trained to develop talent within their teams, applying specific methodologies that focus on the efficiency of work processes.


How we develop resilient leaders

To ensure that we develop the ideal leader in each department, we establish an agile approach to implementing organizational changes. We work together to define the key elements that are needed to transform employees, enabling them to lead teams using different leadership styles and emotional intelligence. We build a work system that is based on objectives and indicators, enabling them to improve results in their respective departments. We provide comprehensive training for the middle managers in your organization, seeking to generate a significant impact on the efficiency of the processes.


Our process for developing
leaders for your organization

Deep-dive Analysis

Before the start of the training and leadership development process for the middle management level, we carry out a comprehensive analysis of the organizational culture. Furthermore, we carry out a detailed assessment of the current leaders in each department in order to define specific objectives and the changes that need to be made. This entire process is carried out in close collaboration with the company's leadership to ensure effective alignment with the organization's objectives and overall vision.

How we do it

Identifying the middle management leaders: We develop a detailed map of the middle management leaders within the organization, identifying their skills, leadership styles, and areas for improvement.

Analyzing the leadership style and current processes: We critically evaluate the current leadership styles and work processes in each department, highlighting efficient aspects and areas of opportunity.

Defining objectives in collaboration with the leadership: We work hand in hand with the company's leadership to establish specific and measurable objectives that promote the development and improvement of the middle management leaders.

Aligning the departments’ leaders’ needs and improvements: We align the company’s needs and expectations with the improvement opportunities presented by each departmental leader, ensuring an effective connection between organizational objectives and leadership development.


We offer customized and in-depth training for your organization’s emerging leaders. Through a meticulous implementation and innovative agile methodologies, with a special emphasis on Design Thinking, we create a unique experience. Our experiential workshops go beyond the mere transmission of knowledge; they are an active immersion in agile practices. This learning is not limited to training but rather it is continuously integrated into the organization’s daily operations. In this way we ensure that each future leader effectively applies the knowledge acquired, making a significant impact on your organization’s level of excellence and innovation.

Leading Progress

• Introduction to the program

• Leadership Accelerators

• Change Management

• Change Curve

• Growth Mentality


Team Development

• Bloom Taxonomy

• 70, 20, 10 Learning Model

• G.R.O.W. Model

Leadership and Transformation

• Emotional Intelligence

• Self-awareness

• Self-management

• 6 Leadership styles

Innovation Management

• Leadership and Innovation

• Elements for Innovation Management

• Types of Innovation

• Agile methodologies

• Design Thinking

• Lightning Decision Jam

• Innovation Hub

Performance Accelerators

• S.M.A.R.T. Methodology

• Change adoption curve

• Quick Wins

Road to Success

• Team without systems


• Work System Tools

• Daily Tasks

High Performance Teams

• Team Stages

• Models for building a high-performance team

• Star Model

• GRIP Model

• 4C Model



• Situations for giving feedback

• Structure of good feedback

• Guide to listening to feedback

Atomic Habits

• Composition of habits

• The power of habits

• Four laws of behavioral change

• Systems, indicators, and habits


Achieve efficient processes by developing
the mindset of your organization's leaders.

Face the changing challenges of today's business environment by developing exceptional leaders. Our holistic approach enables you to position highly skilled individuals in the right leadership roles, where they not only effectively manage their team, but also stimulate maximum performance and efficiency. We focus on challenging and overcoming constant changes in the business landscape, enabling you to have leaders who adapt and lead with awareness in any situation. By investing in developing talent and leadership skills, you will be forging your organization’s path to sustainable success.

What makes us different

Agile leader development: We ensure the development of leaders who are capable of skillfully managing teams in volatile environments. We provide the tools and skills that they need to lead successfully in challenging situations, fostering resilience and adaptability.

Results-focused work system: We build a solid work system that is geared towards achieving the objectives and key performance indicators. We establish structures that foster productivity and efficiency, creating an environment that is conducive to individual and collective success.

Agile mindset training for leaders: We improve results in every department by teaching leaders to use an agile mindset. Our approach focuses on cultivating mental and strategic agility, driving innovation, and effective decision-making.

Structuring the innovative processes: We structure innovation processes that enhance the company’s efficiency. We implement innovative practices that promote continuous improvement and position the organization at the forefront of its industry.


Leadership as a competitive factor in today's market

Fostering effective leadership is crucial in today's business environment. Leaders must integrate styles that support organizational culture, prioritize emotional intelligence, provide learning, and use data-driven assessment and decision tools. Developing internal leaders increases the likelihood of leadership success by 65%, outperforming 52% of external hires. Balanced management is essential, as leaders who spend more time interacting than managing show 32% higher engagement, less burnout, and stronger employee retention. Furthermore, leadership practice and feedback significantly increase the likelihood of high-quality leaders in organizations, providing a solid foundation for long-term business success.

Global Leadership Forecast, Development Dimensions International
HR Leadership Insights Report, Development Dimensions International
Leadership Development Trends 2024, Ive House

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