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Guarantee the quality and safety of your products


In today's dynamic business world, we face challenges that directly shape continuous growth and success. In the food industry, opening new markets, acquiring customers, and expanding channels are intrinsically linked to obtaining food safety certifications. Existing customers now demand certifications, so they’ve become an essential requirement for maintaining strong and reliable business partnerships.

Overcoming the challenges posed by rigorous food safety standards at our customers' facilities is an arduous task, but at the same time, it is an opportunity to demonstrate a commitment to excellence. Earning a food safety certification not only builds a solid foundation for processing and delivering food safely throughout the supply chain, but it also opens doors to new possibilities. It allows us to not only ensure food safety, but also to explore and conquer new customers, distribution channels, and markets in order to take the products to the next level.

At London Consulting Group we
help your company obtain
the food safety certifications

that you need to expand your market

Reach the pinnacle of business excellence by implementing a strong food safety culture and a continuous improvement approach at all levels of your organization. This strategy not only standardizes your operational processes but also elevates your key performance indicators (KPIs), providing you with a constant drive toward sustainable business success. With a food safety-oriented mindset, you position yourself as a leader in your industry, generating trust and loyalty from both customers and business partners.


How we obtain food safety certifications for your company

We ensure that every member of your team is properly trained and that your processes are optimized so you can obtain the necessary food safety certifications. We start by assessing your company through a gap analysis that reviews documentation, current practices, and organizational conditions to identify any risks and discrepancies that might hinder food safety standards. Using these findings, we develop a detailed implementation plan to close those gaps, while simultaneously establishing an organizational culture that prioritizes food safety at all levels. We deliver robust training programs that prepare your staff and establish continuous monitoring systems to ensure long-term compliance. Furthermore, we prepare your company for regular audits that evaluate your adherence to food safety standards. Our comprehensive approach ensures that your company offers high-quality, safe-to-eat products, enhancing your reputation and building trust with your customers and business partners.


Our food safety certification process

Deep-dive Analysis

We carry out a comprehensive gap analysis through discovery sessions with the people responsible for each department. During these sessions, we evaluate documentation, site conditions, and current practices to identify any discrepancies that might impact your food safety standards. This approach allows us to develop a detailed implementation plan that will close the gaps, ensuring that your company meets the highest food safety standards at all stages of the supply chain.

How we do it

Reviewing documentation: We carefully examine all existing documentation (procedures, work instructions, policies, and formats) and create an inventory of what you have and should have.

Analyzing the physical and operational conditions of the facilities: We assess the physical and operational conditions of your site, identifying areas for improvement.

Evaluating your operational practices: We analyze current operational practices to assess their degree of alignment with the standards, and then propose very practical ways of increasing compliance.

Identifying risks: We identify significant risks to the business, ensuring that we mitigate any potential threats.

Detecting deviations: We prioritize all identified risk-based deviations and propose effective actions to mitigate them.

Developing a detailed plan: We create a comprehensive plan that specifically addresses the identified gaps, establishing clear steps for improvement.


During the transformation process, we develop an organizational culture that is focused on food safety. We establish robust procedures, mitigate risks, and train your staff so that they can be fully prepared to successfully face day-to-day operations and any audit.


Developing a document master: Centralizing and structuring the documentation to improve management, organization, accessibility, collaboration, and adherence to the work plan. This serves as the basis for a central and controlled document repository.

Developing templates: Creating control templates and records, including Standard Operating Procedures, process flows, policies, formats, work instructions, and guidelines, and then integrating them into the Document Master.

Clear procedures: Developing and establishing procedures that demonstrate the sequence of operations that apply to the various programs, ensuring standardized operating practices.

Personnel Training

Training on new processes: Introducing the updated processes to improve efficiency and ensure regulatory compliance.

Defining the team roles: Clearly establishing the roles and responsibilities within the team, ensuring an effective distribution of tasks and a collaborative approach.

Structured daily activities: Developing structured daily activities that follow food safety protocols, promoting consistent practices and preventive measures.


Organizational culture: Reinforcing a food safety culture by introducing values that influence the mentality and behavior of the entire organization.

Implementing designated practices and new models: Introducing specific practices and updated models, ensuring quality and compliance with the standards.

Learning the new processes in collaboration: Using teamwork to facilitate the understanding and adoption of the new processes, fostering a smooth and efficient transition.

Adapting to changes in daily activities and routines: Flexibility to adapt to changes in daily activities and routines, ensuring that the new practices are smoothly integrated into the daily operations.

Generating records, follow-up, and maintenance: Establishing a comprehensive system for generating records, providing constant process monitoring, and maintaining the new standards in order to ensure consistency and compliance over time.


We ensure the continued effectiveness of the system over time, identifying further opportunities for improvements to prevent risks and maintain consumer confidence. We regularly reassess and audit our clients' systems to ensure that they maintain a constant state of compliance with the current regulations.

Some of the activities that we carry out include:

• We collect data on the performance of the food safety management system through internal audits and various monitoring activities.

• We analyze this data to identify trends, patterns, new risks, and areas for improvement.

• Using data analytics, we develop specific, measurable, achievable, and relevant action plans.

• We implement action plans and monitor their effectiveness.

• We monitor progress towards the objectives established in the action plans, evaluating the effectiveness of the changes that were made to the food safety management system.

• We ensure that our client is prepared for an audit at any time.


Boost your company’s performance and profitability

Grow your revenue by attracting new customers and expanding your sales channels, and strengthen the integrity of your products by adhering to globally recognized standards. Optimize operational efficiency by reducing waste, applying critical production controls, and positively impacting your manufacturing costs. Elevate your brand reputation and service levels through a strong food safety culture that optimizes production and distribution practices. Furthermore, our approach also reduces labor costs by standardizing and streamlining your operations, and by extensively training your personnel through our robust training programs. This comprehensive approach not only ensures compliance with exacting standards, but it also drives your company's sustainable growth.

What makes us different

• Mitigating brand risk by properly managing food safety risks at all stages of the process.

• Establishing a strong food safety culture and promoting accountability for safety practices among all employees, from senior managers to the operations team.

• Developing a solid training program for new and current employees to reduce dependence on informal knowledge and instead focus their understanding of a systemic approach.

• Designing and implementing autonomous management systems that strengthen operational efficiency.


The advance of robotic automation in food safety

Food safety has not lagged behind in process automation. According to Technavio, the main trend in the market is the adoption of advanced robotics to automate food safety testing. Initially used for palletizing and packaging, robots have moved into production and sorting. This is due to factors such as rising labor costs, employee health concerns, and the cost of ensuring food safety compliance. Robots offer food safety benefits by being able to work in extreme environments, reducing human contact with products, and ensuring consistency, safety, and productivity. As demand for processed and packaged foods continues to grow, investments in automation are increasing, driving demand for robotics in food manufacturing.

Food Safety Testing Market Report 2023-2027

Certify and ensure
Your organization's success