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Reduce your delivery times and maximize customer satisfaction


In today's business context, it is vital not to underestimate distribution-related challenges as they can have a substantial impact on a company's overall performance. A lack of proper management can result in high operating costs, supply chain inefficiencies, lost revenue, and quality issues.

Having an efficient and effective distribution management model is a fundamental pillar for any company. It significantly contributes to increasing a company’s performance and competitiveness by enabling accurate planning and the ability to control the distribution of products or services. Your organization can be positively impacted through the implementation of processes, policies, and strategies designed to optimize the delivery of your products or services.

At London Consulting Group, we
maximize the efficiency of your supply chain
to achieve exceptional product delivery

Optimize your supply chain to reduce costs and increase customer satisfaction at every stage. From production to final delivery, maximize efficiency at every stage. Our solutions provide accurate demand planning and efficient inventory management. We develop distribution routes that guarantee timely and accurate delivery of your products, always ensuring satisfied customers.


How we improve your supply chain management

We focus on maximizing supply chain efficiency by automating activities. We develop a comprehensive plan for efficient distribution management that reduces production and distribution mistakes, improving sustainability. Our strategy includes accurate demand planning and efficient inventory management processes. Furthermore, we ensure reduced operating costs, faster deliveries, and greater responsiveness to customer demands. All of this translates directly into improved profit margins for your company.


Our distribution management process

Deep-dive Analysis

We carry out a comprehensive analysis of your organization’s operational processes and then develop a demand planning model. This model addresses crucial logistics issues: demand forecasting, inventory management, production planning, replenishment, and performance evaluation. Our goal is to ensure timely product availability, minimize costs, and optimize operational efficiency in order to maximize customer satisfaction.

How we do it

Demand analysis: Analyzing market trends and factors that could influence product demand.

Demand forecasting model: Developing a model that forecasts future demand.

Inventory management: Establishing minimum and maximum inventory levels for efficient management.

Production and supply planning: Defining production volumes, lead times, and order quantities to ensure adequate availability.

Production scheduling and replenishment: Determining production, transportation, and delivery times to develop an accurate schedule.

Process monitoring and evaluation: Constantly identify improvement opportunities in the process.


We work closely with your personnel to implement various models that optimize the efficiency of your supply chain. Our approach guarantees that your products are delivered accurately, at the right place, and at the right time, ensuring optimal conditions that increase the value perceived by your customers.

Route optimization model

Available resources assessment: Evaluating the available distribution resources, such as vehicles, labor, and equipment.

Consideration of geographic constraints: Evaluating the geographic constraints that could affect distribution, such as difficult terrain or areas that are hard to access.

Consideration of traffic and weather conditions: Analyzing traffic patterns and weather conditions to optimize distribution routes.

Frequent route performance monitoring and analysis: Constant evaluation of the routes’ performance to identify areas for improvement and necessary adjustments.

Delivery scheduling models

Receiving the orders: The process of receiving and recording customer orders.

Inventory availability check: Stock check to confirm that the required products are available.

Product allocation and order preparation: Selecting and collecting the ordered products for the preparation process.

Delivery planning: Organizing the logistics for shipping the products from the warehouse to their final destination.

Communication with the customer: Communicating shipping information and delivery confirmation to the customer.

Shipping and delivery: The physical process of transporting and delivering products to the customer.

Follow-up and monitoring: Continuous process supervision to ensure successful and satisfactory deliveries.

Staff training model

Tracking technologies training: Training the personnel on how to effectively use the technological tools to monitor and track the processes.

Incentives and recognition for achieving the objectives and improving customer satisfaction: Establishing programs that recognize and motivate employees to achieve goals and ensure customer satisfaction.


Improve your company’s operational efficiency

Strategically evaluate and coordinate each stage: demand, production, supply, logistics and digitization. This synergy allows you to anticipate and proactively manage resources and processes, improving efficiency and reducing costs. It also maximizes the quality of your customer service quality and the ability to adapt to a dynamic market. All this translates into sustainable profitability, improved customer satisfaction, and the ability to successfully overcome evolving market challenges over the long term.

What makes us different

Agility when facing variations in demand and availability of raw materials: We strengthen your company's ability to respond to changes in demand and availability of inputs.

Management training for strategic decisions: We provide training to leaders so they can make strategic decisions regarding production, storage, and product distribution.

Improving product quality: We minimize production and distribution errors to improve the quality of the final products.

Reducing loss of resources and environmental footprint: We attract customers concerned with sustainability and we help them reduce their loss of resources and environmental impact.


The keys to transformation in S&OP

Projections indicate that in the medium term, around 2025, the warehouse automation market will experience significant growth, reaching a market value that could exceed $37.6 billion, with a compound annual growth rate of around 10% from 2021 to 2030. This increase is largely based on the importance of mobile robots, such as automated guided vehicles (AGVs) and automated mobile robots (AMRs), which are used to transport materials and products within warehouses. These robots have the potential to transform warehouse management, improving the accuracy, speed, and efficiency of the operations, which in turn streamlines tasks and reduces human error.

Warehousing & Logistics Trends To Watch Out For in 2024, MIDCOM Technologies

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