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Redefine your business model and achieve business success

Business Model Innovation Plan

Companies are facing a challenging market environment marked by constant changes to the economic rules both locally and globally. Digital transformation has become a fundamental part of business processes which enables organizations to adapt to this constantly evolving landscape. However, there are significant obstacles hindering progress. Profitability is affected by high operating costs, while inferior product quality undermines reputation. Lack of innovation and limited management of key performance indicators threaten business success.

Thoroughly assessing the current state of the business processes becomes a cornerstone for change. This involves identifying both strengths and weaknesses, looking for opportunities, and above all, implementing concrete improvement initiatives. This approach is essential for the development of a new business model aimed at reducing operational complexity. Furthermore, this model should be geared towards accelerating innovative processes and, crucially, enabling strategic decision-making based on reliable and accurate data.

Together we define and adapt
your organization's business model

to the current market

To stay competitive, it is vital to define new business models that focus on providing innovative products and services. Evaluate your current processes and open the door to ideas from your management team. Capitalize on the initiatives that will shape the new model, ensuring a customer-centric approach for sustained success.


How we transform your business model for customer satisfaction

We work closely with your team to redefine your business model. We use methodologies that simplify the process of developing a detailed assessment of your company's existing strengths, weaknesses, and processes. This approach includes a thorough analysis of your customers' purchasing cycle and your organizational culture to understand your personnel’s openness to change. We engage with your team, encouraging the development of innovative ideas through Design Thinking in order to improve your business model. Throughout this active collaboration, we implement the most promising ideas and carefully evaluate their impact on your organization, ensuring that your business model is completely transformed.


Our process for defining a successful business model innovation plan

Deep-dive Analysis

This is the critical initial phase through which we analyze your business processes. Here we identify both your organization’s strengths and weaknesses, and we evaluate the key factors and opportunities for improvement in the operations. This detailed assessment enables us to establish a solid foundation for the development of effective strategies. This pre-analysis is key to thoroughly understanding the current state of the organization and to properly focus the project towards achieving significant improvements in business performance.

How we do it

Gathering information on the current processes: We collect detailed data on your existing business operations.

Analysis to identify strengths and weaknesses: We thoroughly study the information gathered to determine strengths and areas that can be improved in your processes.

Evaluating the key factors: We identify and evaluate the factors that have a significant impact on your processes’ performance, seeking out opportunities to improve and optimize.


Evaluating your Customer Journey and the Customer’s Voice is vital for the development of a new business model. We develop this new model through Design Sprints which encompass the whole process, from the design stage all the way to the validation. This comprehensive approach aims to improve operational efficiency and ensure greater customer satisfaction. The goal is to ensure that every step of the process is aligned with your customers’ needs and expectations in order to drive your company's success and competitiveness.

Customer Journey

Defining the purchasing cycle stages: We identify and determine each phase a customer goes through, from product awareness to purchasing and beyond.

Identifying the touch points: We analyze all the points where a customer interacts with your company, whether online, in a physical store, through customer service, etc.

Customer Journey Mapping: We visualize the customer's journey throughout these stages and touch points to understand their end-to-end experience.

Customer experience data collection: We collect data on the customers’ interactions and perceptions at every stage, from their perspective.

Identifying improvement opportunities: Once you have a complete picture of the Customer Journey and the customer experience, we identify areas where improvements can be implemented to optimize the customer experience and increase satisfaction.

Voice of Customer

Customer satisfaction survey design: We create effective surveys that capture customer perceptions, opinions, and experiences regarding your products or services.

Survey implementation: We carry out the survey according to a strategic plan, ensuring broad participation and collecting relevant data.

Data analysis: We thoroughly process and analyze the data collected from the customers’ feedback to identify patterns, trends, and areas that can be improved.

Documenting the findings: We clearly and concisely present key findings, highlighting strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities for improvement based on customer feedback.

Business Modeling

Mapping the current business model: We visualize and document in detail how your business currently operates, identifying key components such as partners, activities, resources, value propositions, channels, customer relationships, customer segments, cost structures, and revenue streams.

Analyzing the current business model: Each element of the current model is critically examined to understand its effectiveness, identify areas for improvement, and determine which aspects should be retained or modified.

New business model development: A new business model is proposed and designed based on the results from the assessment. This includes developing strategies to improve the identified areas and the development of new value propositions, revenue strategies, channels, among other elements.

Validating the new business model: The new model is tested, either through simulations, prototypes, or pilot tests. This stage allows us to verify the viability and effectiveness of the proposed model before it is fully implemented.

Design Sprint

Customer needs and wants analysis: Customer expectations, challenges, and preferences are examined in depth to understand their problems and aspirations.

Defining the problem that the company can solve: We clearly identify the specific problem that customers face and that the company has the capacity to solve with its products or services.

Developing creative ideas: We encourage the development of multiple innovative ideas to address the identified problem using methods such as brainstorming sessions and creative thinking techniques.

Prototyping and creating models or simulations: Prototypes or models are developed to demonstrate the proposed solutions. These can be mock-ups, virtual simulations, or simplified versions of the product or service.

Testing and feedback: Prototypes are tested with real customers to obtain direct feedback. Customer feedback is vital so that we can refine and improve the solutions.

Implementing the chosen solution: The final solution is implemented using the feedback that was received and the improved prototype, ensuring that it effectively solves the problem identified by the customers.


Increase your sales by transforming your company’s operational efficiency

Seeking operational excellence and sales growth, the strategy focuses on driving innovation and agile leadership to improve efficiency. Furthermore, it focuses on fostering collaborative teams, developing personnel, and improving customer satisfaction to reduce turnover. Digital transformation, data-driven decision making, and optimizing the distribution model are integrated to optimize costs and reduce inventories and waste, which then enables your organization to achieve greater operational efficiency and market competitiveness. 

What makes us different

• We address the customer's needs and desires through the innovation process.

• We optimize business operations by validating and implementing a new, more efficient business model.

• We implement solutions aimed at improving customer experience and operational efficiency.

• We adapt your business to face changing market challenges, achieving a greater competitive advantage.


The Effect of an Innovative Business Model

Today, regardless of the business sector, the adoption of an innovative business model has a direct impact on a company's profitability. A recent study of 917 retail companies, conducted by IESE Prof. Govert Vroom, showed that the business model plays a major role in a company's success, significantly contributing with a 5.1% Return on Assets (ROA), once other relevant factors have been taken into account.

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your business model today