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Create a successful business strategy for your organization

Strategic Planning

Adaptability is key in a constantly changing market. Not having a clear vision, a defined mission, or determined strategic elements makes it difficult to establish the company’s direction. The absence of quantifiable objectives, a resource capacity plan, or a risk plan can affect the achievement of the desired results.

Effective strategic planning is fundamental for competitiveness and market consolidation. It requires committed leadership, a culture of collaboration at all levels, and strategic alignment with the operation. It also involves the ability to adapt using technology, innovation, and process development.

At London Consulting Group we define
a customized business strategy

that empowers your organization

Consolidate your market position and overcome strategic challenges by optimizing your competitiveness with a robust management and control model. This model meets the senior management’s expectations, providing your business strategy with clarity, direction, and control.


How we define the right strategy for your business

Through active collaboration with your team, we focus on identifying opportunities for improvement in critical aspects of your organization. We analyze the current strategy in areas where results can be optimized, review the organizational structure to improve efficiency and decision-making, evaluate processes to identify possible improvements and review the metrics to ensure they are effective and aligned with the strategic objectives.

Furthermore, we analyze compensation policies and job profiles to ensure that they’re aligned with the company's overall strategy. Finally, we evaluate the organizational culture to understand its ability to adapt to changes and to ensure that it is aligned with the company's strategic goals.


Our strategic planning process

Deep-dive Analysis

Before starting the project, we carry out initial interviews with the senior management to gather essential information. These interviews allow us to understand the current state of the strategic plan and to assess the senior management's level of understanding regarding how the business strategy is currently being managed. This process allows us to align expectations and to ensure that there is a common understanding regarding the objectives and methods as we develop the project.

How we do it

Initial interviews with senior management: These are conducted to understand the status of the current strategic plan and the strategic lines of business.

Assessing the senior management’s understanding: We evaluate how the business strategy is currently being managed, ensuring that the senior managers have a clear understanding.

Aligning expectations and defining the scope: The aim is to align expectations and define the scope of the strategic implementation process, ensuring that those involved understand the objectives and methods.

Identifying the added value: The aim is to identify and communicate the added value that the strategic implementation process can bring to the business, highlighting its benefits and opportunities.


We carry out collaborative workshops to establish goals and strategies to create an efficient action plan. We provide tools to estimate resources and offer examples with tangible solutions.


Exploring and preparing the expectations and environment: A thorough exploration of the environment, including expectations, is carried out to thoroughly understand the context before implementing any strategic action.

Workshops for conclusions and next steps: Workshops and working sessions are held to discuss, analyze, and reach conclusions. The next steps are outlined based on these discussions and findings.

Implementing a strategic monitoring and control model: A strategic monitoring and control model is established to monitor progress, evaluate performance, and adjust actions during the strategy implementation.

Implementation and Follow-up Model

Strategy review: Comprehensive evaluation of the current strategy, identifying strengths and areas for improvement.

Defining the strategic plan: Developing a detailed plan that establishes goals, actions, and resources needed to achieve the strategic objectives.

Aligning the strategy with the organization: Ensure that the strategy is aligned with the organization’s culture, mission, and vision.

Connecting the strategy to the operations: Integrating the strategy into daily operational processes for effective implementation.

Defining the operational plan: Establishing a practical plan which describes how the strategy will be executed in operational and tactical terms.

Strategy monitoring: Implementing systems that monitor and evaluate the progress made towards the strategic objectives.

Strategy review and adaptation: Periodic evaluation of the strategy, allowing adjustments to be made according to changes in the environment or in the company's objectives.

Collaborative Workshops

Workshop preparation: Gathering relevant information through questionnaires, documentation, and other resources so that we can have a solid information base before carrying out the workshop.

Conducting the collaborative workshop: Facilitating a strategic thinking process through the workshop, promoting collaboration to discuss, analyze, and define key strategies.

Workshop results: We clearly define the strategic goals, the strategies required to achieve them, and a detailed action plan for their implementation based on the workshops’ conclusions and discussions.

Success Factors

Senior management’s responsibility for executing the operating plan: Delegation and supervision by senior management to ensure effective implementation and the achievement of the operating plan’s objectives.

Translating the operational plan into measurable results: Transforming the operational plan's objectives and actions into metrics and KPIs (key performance indicators) that allows progress to be measured and success to be evaluated.

Communicating the purposes to key users: Clear and precise communication of objectives and goals to key users within the organization, highlighting their role in achieving these strategic objectives.

Deployment methodology, tracking, and effective governance: Implementing a structured approach for deploying the operational plan, continuous progress monitoring, and establishing a sound management framework that can make decisions and adjustments during the implementation.


Reviewing the available information: Comprehensive review of various sources such as methodologies, tools, and best practices to gather relevant information.

Selecting relevant information: Identifying and selecting the most relevant and useful information for the strategic planning process.

Creating annexes: Creating annexes that may include documents, presentations, or other complementary materials that support and enrich the strategic planning process.

Resource Capacity Planning

Reviewing the strategic plan to identify the resources needed: Analyzing the existing strategic plan to determine what resources are needed to carry out the proposed strategies.

Estimating the resources required to implement the strategies: Quantitative and qualitative assessment to determine the amount and type of resources required (financial, human, technological, etc.) to implement the strategies.

Developing the resource plan: Develop a detailed plan that includes the acquisition and allocation of the resources required to carry out the strategies outlined in the strategic plan.

Case Study

Selecting relevant statistics: Identifying and selecting relevant and significant statistical data that supports the current context or the situation, providing valuable information for the analysis or presentation.

Summarizing the solutions and benefits: Clear and concise synopsis of the proposed solutions or expected benefits, highlighting the most relevant and positive aspects of the planned actions.


Anticipating market challenges

Achieve greater clarity of the objectives by aligning management expectations, improving strategic communication, and adapting to the market with agility. Establish effective strategic roles, optimize profit margins, and ensure strong cash flow. This will lead to increased shareholder value and will ensure a successful implementation of the business strategies.

What makes us different

• Focus on sustainable value creation and profitable growth to strengthen market position.

• Developing USPs (Unique Selling Points) and distinctive value for the markets, avoiding short-term improvement strategies.

• Methodology used to establish clear strategic objectives and to capitalize on organizational synergies and strengths.

• Systematic implementation of a common vision and a practical operating scheme in order to maximize shareholder value.

• Focus on defining and aligning the organization’s culture.

• Focus on optimizing the value chain and effectively managing the key initiatives to take advantage of market opportunities.


Mitigating risk with successful strategic planning

The main reason why companies in today's marketplace believe it essential to implement strategic planning, according to Forbes Finance Council member Raghavkumar Parmar, is to be prepared to deal with risk and uncertainty. By assessing various scenarios in which decisions can have a significant impact on their business, companies can effectively manage their risks and rewards, mitigate unexpected events, and increase the likelihood of achieving their objectives.

20 Key Insights Into Strategic Planning And Scenario Analysis, Forbes

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