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Automate processes for your business optimization

Digital Solutions

In an era defined by relentless digital evolution, where technological strides redefine industries, companies recognize the unparalleled benefits of process automation and its technological counterparts. However, many find themselves disheartened by incomplete operational insights, leading to unmet expectations and unrealized investments. This gap in understanding diminishes their ability to pinpoint opportunities for cost reduction, optimization, and efficiency evaluation.

The true gateway to unparalleled productivity and success lies in the digitization and automation of processes. Harnessing the potency of digital solutions enables companies to streamline workflows, organize data for insightful analysis, and make informed decisions.

At London Consulting Group, we are catalysts propelling your organization toward a future of digitally driven acceleration.

Unlock your organization's potential through a dual lens focused on customers and staff. Our scalable digital solutions empower you and your team to identify pivotal areas within your business for enhancement, driving overall efficiency and effectiveness. Witness measurable improvements in operations, heightened customer satisfaction, amplified employee engagement, and, ultimately, sustainable growth.


How we maximize your business digital transformation at a very low cost

At our core, we excel in implementing bespoke digital solutions seamlessly within your organization. Our specialized consultants conduct a meticulous analysis of your existing workflows. Through this in-depth understanding, we deliver targeted training sessions, empowering your organization to maximize its technological capabilities.

We specialize in leveraging low-code development technologies with unparalleled agility. Our collaborative approach involves working hand-in-hand with your team, ensuring that together, we craft innovative solutions that fortify and advance your business's technological infrastructure.


Our process of digital
solutions transformation

Deep-dive Analysis

We conduct an exhaustive analysis to evaluate your business's technological landscape and the extent of process automation. This in-depth assessment allows us to define core issues and uncover key opportunities across various critical domains: talent, internal processes, analytical capabilities, cultural aspects, infrastructure, and data management models.

How we do it

Capability Maturity Model (Process Automation) surveys: We employ Capability Maturity Model surveys to assess your automation maturity level. These surveys highlight gaps in crucial areas such as processes, cultural integration, democratization, employee involvement, platform utilization, agility, management, and intelligent utilization of technology.

Information Flow Analysis (Maltese Cross): We conduct an in-depth examination of information flow, both digital and manual, across departments and processes. This analysis provides insights into data collection and utilization, uncovering opportunities for optimizing information utilization effectively.

Systematic process assessment: We analyze existing processes, determining their systematic execution and whether they are adequately supported by software tools.

Low-Code solution identification: We identify requirements for developing low-code solutions tailored to specific business needs. These solutions range from replacing outdated legacy systems to re-implementing existing ones and undertaking complex developments.


Implementing a Solutions Management Model utilizing the Scrum Agile Framework involves:

Scrum prototyping and iterative improvement: Utilizing Scrum framework for iterative prototyping and continual enhancement.

Role definition: Clear delineation of roles, such as product owner, scrum master, and development team.

Roles and Responsibilities

Client-team collaboration: Close partnership throughout discovery, innovation, design, development, and implementation stages.

Staff upskilling: Conducting training sessions and sprint design workshops for staff upskilling.

Problem Definition and Solution Development

Historical backlog analysis: Identifying problem areas, causes, and effects through historical backlog assessment.

Tailored digital tools: Crafting custom digital tools aligned with Digital Transformation goals.

Process mapping and user characteristics: Detailed process understanding to adapt the UX/UI based on user characteristics.

Feature Development and Documentation

Workshops for feature description: Collaborative workshops with users to define objectives, tasks, screens, and features.

Product backlog and incremental changes: Essential documentation for solution development, allowing ongoing changes within agreed scope.

Prototype Development and Data Modeling

Conceptual prototype and data model: Visualization of end-tool, complementing product backlog, and preliminary data model design.

Sprint planning and execution: Planning incremental deliverables and daily Scrum meetings for objective alignment.

Quality Assurance and Implementation

User Acceptance Testing (UAT) and QA: Executing UAT by product owner and stakeholders, ensuring implementation logic aligns with backlog.

Go-Live and user support: Providing superuser guidance, addressing exceptions, and implementing scope changes for successful implementation.


Post-project implementation, our technical support team assists in adapting existing applications and workflows to match your evolving business needs. We handle tasks like integrating new sources, refining data modeling, and developing applications to seamlessly connect with your systems. Before any changes go live, we conduct rigorous testing to ensure smooth deployment.


Develop scalable and flexible, low-code applications and ensure your business’ high mobility, security and speed

Drive transformation within your organization by establishing centers of excellence that drive continuous improvement aligned with your evolving business needs. We empower your team with agile methodologies, enabling them to convert challenges into solutions. Our approach fosters interdepartmental collaboration, sparks innovation, and ensures successful implementation.

What makes us different

Process, people, technology synergy: We harmonize client processes, people, and technology for operational optimization.

Strategic improvements for client and user experience: Identifying impactful improvements aligned with industry and business needs, prioritizing client and user experiences.

Client empowerment and solution creation: Empowering clients with methodologies to innovate and create new solutions.

Maximizing technological resources: Maximizing the utilization of client's existing technological infrastructure and resources.

Facilitating digital transformation through iterative development: Guiding clients through their digital transformation journey with iterative development for immediate operational impact.


Leveraging Low-Code applications for customized automated workflows

Organizations now rely on low-code development technologies to meet the rising need for rapid application delivery and customized automation workflows, according to Gartner’s latest Worldwide Low-Code Development Technologies forecast. It predicts that by 2026, developers outside formal IT departments will account for at least 80% of the user base for low-code development tools, up from 60% in 2021. By equipping both IT developers and business technologists with versatile low-code tools, organizations can achieve the digital competency and accelerated delivery required in today's agile environment.

Gartner Forecasts Worldwide Low-Code Development Technologies Market to Grow 20% in 2023

BEGIN your Business
transformation today!