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Use business intelligence to achieve sales success


When integrating a CRM into the business structure, maximizing its functions is crucial for a quick return on investment. However, the challenge lies in supporting this tool with solid business processes. This combination ensures efficient management, task assignment, and feedback on the achieved results. These elements are essential for achieving the established goals.

Implementing a CRM is not only essential for agile and collaborative decision-making, but it can also improve the sales process and customer experience. This leads to sales excellence by acquiring new customers through effective sales processes and strengthening customer retention and loyalty.

At London Consulting Group we
ensure a successful CRM implementation
supported by a sales strategy that guarantees
your organization’s sales growth

Drive your company's continuous growth with a comprehensive sales strategy. Establish a customer-focused management process, from acquisition to loyalty. Prioritize the customer experience at every stage of the sales funnel, ensuring that every interaction is exceptional. Empower your team to achieve sales excellence, enabling them to deliver quality service and strengthen your relationship with your customers. This will ensure constant and sustainable growth for your organization.


How we achieve sales excellence

Our priority is to ensure a smooth integration of CRM into your business processes. We start by developing a strategy that comprehensively maps out the customer experience, identifying key points along the customer journey. We then help you evaluate and select the right CRM software for your business. Furthermore, we work closely with your sales team to digitally transform your processes so that you can capitalize on data and enhance the overall strategy, driving business intelligence throughout the organization. In this way, we ensure an effective implementation that boosts your company's performance.


Our CRM implementation process

Deep-dive Analysis

An effective Customer Relationship Management (CRM) approach is based on agile customer retention and loyalty. This is achieved by providing superior products and services and supporting them with exceptional customer service. This business strategy is fueled by the customer experience, we identify the interaction points that require improvements so that you may strengthen the business-customer relationship and ensure its continued success.

How we do it

Defining the areas involved in the shopping experience: Identify and outline the different stages and touchpoints that make up the customer's shopping experience.

Analyzing the current business processes: Review and evaluate existing business processes to identify opportunities for improvement, efficiencies, and potential obstacles that can affect the customer experience.

Identifying the customer experience within the sales funnel: Mapping and understanding the interaction with the customer at each stage of the sales funnel to optimize and improve the customer experience at each touchpoint.

Evaluating and selecting an appropriate CRM software: We analyze different CRM software options to determine which best suits the company's specific business needs and objectives.

Defining the business strategy: Developing a comprehensive strategy that leverages customer experience and findings in the business processes to improve customer relationships and optimize business performance.

Sales force management: Manage and train the sales team to align them with the sales strategy, providing them with the tools and knowledge that they need to improve the customer experience.

Customer-oriented culture: Determine how the organization manages the daily interactions that they have with the customers to ensure business success.

Digitizing data for decision-making: Using digitalized data to collect, analyze, and use relevant information when making strategic decisions, enabling better understanding and response to the customer and market needs.


We prepare the sales department for the CRM implementation, safeguarding the company’s sales success.

Preparing the Company

Defining the departments involved in the project: Identify the departments or areas that will be directly involved in the CRM implementation project, such as sales, marketing, customer service, information technology, among others.

Defining roles and responsibilities within each department's process: Establish specific roles for each department involved in the project. This includes clearly outlining the responsibilities and tasks that each team or staff member will have during the CRM implementation.

Identifying the current processes and tools: Carry out a comprehensive inventory of the processes and tools that are currently used by each department, evaluating their effectiveness, and determining how they could be integrated or modified with the introduction of the new CRM.

Planning the activities that need to be carried out: Develop a detailed timeline that defines the key stages and activities for implementing the CRM. This includes establishing deadlines and important milestones and allocating resources for each task.

Establishing the current pre-implementation data: Gathering the relevant data and analyzing it before implementing the CRM. This will serve as a baseline for assessing the impact and progress once the system is in place.

Defining the CRM Model

Aligning the organization's strategy: Ensure that the CRM strategy is aligned with the company's overall objectives and vision to ensure coherence and synergy across all areas.

Mapping the Customer Experience: Visualize and understand in detail each stage of the customer's interaction with the company to improve their experience across all touchpoints.

Evaluating the sales processes: Analyze and evaluate the current sales processes, from acquisition to customer loyalty, identifying areas that can be improved.

Defining the Buyer Persona: Creating detailed profiles of the ideal customers based on the customers’ demographics, behaviors, and needs and then using this information to customize the company’s marketing and sales strategies.

Assessing customer behavior: Analyzing the customers’ behavior to understand their actions, preferences, and purchasing decisions, and then adapting the strategies to meet their needs.

Identifying key areas for improvement in the business processes: Identify specific areas in the business processes that require improvement or adjustment to increase efficiency and customer satisfaction.

Creating a new user experience environment for the areas involved: Design an environment that optimizes the internal user experience, facilitates CRM adoption, and improves sales efficiency.

Designing the sales funnel’s control and management model: Establish a management framework to monitor and manage activities at each stage of the sales funnel, enabling better decision-making and optimizing the results.

CRM implementation

Integrating all the involved areas: Integrate and align all the departments and teams in the company that will be impacted by the CRM implementation to ensure consistent and effective execution.

CRM software personnel training: Provide training and coaching to the personnel on how to use the CRM and its functionalities to ensure that they use the tool effectively.

Customer segmentation and analysis (RFM): Segment customers according to their purchasing history (Recency, Frequency, and Monetary Value), allowing us to identify specific groups that can be targeted with more personalized marketing and sales strategies.

Monitoring customer behavior: Continuously observe and record customer interactions and decisions so that the company can adapt its business strategies and ensure they’re aligned with changing customer preferences.

Satisfaction evaluations: Regularly collect and analyze customer opinions and comments to understand their level of satisfaction and detect areas that need to be improved. This helps the company continuously strengthen its relationship with its customers.

Sales Digitization

Integrating the IT systems: Combining and connecting different information systems within the company to facilitate the transfer of data between them, allowing for a more complete and cohesive view of the business information.

Customer management training: Provide specific training to the personnel on techniques and strategies that will help them manage their customer relationships effectively so that they can improve customer satisfaction and retention.

Developing machine learning algorithms: Create advanced machine learning algorithms to analyze complex data, identify patterns and trends, and predict future customer behaviors, thus improving the company’s strategic decision-making.

Control and manage the sales funnel data: Establish a system to monitor and manage the data generated at each stage of the sales funnel, enabling continuous analysis and informed decision-making at each stage of the sales process.

Continuous Improvement

Continuous innovation in business processes: Cultivate an environment that promotes the constant search for improvements and changes in the company’s processes. This encourages creativity and the implementation of new strategies in order to maintain competitiveness and efficiency.

Monitoring daily activities by business unit - sales executive: Supervise and record the daily activities carried out by each business unit or executive, allowing the company to provide detailed follow-up to their actions and manage their contributions to the overall process.

Regular evaluations of the CRM process and the objectives met: Conduct regular evaluations to measure the CRM’s performance and its impact on the achievement of the established objectives. This enables the company to make adjustments or improvements to the system and business strategies so that they can maintain their focus on the objectives.


Improving business processes with
a successful customer experience

Our approach focuses on achieving a smooth and harmonious implementation by strategically integrating the business strategy with the CRM software to ensure effective business management. We prioritize the continuous improvement of processes with a focus on customer experience, seeking not only customer acquisition but also customer retention and loyalty. Data digitization is fundamental to establishing business intelligence, allowing us to make informed and strategic decisions throughout the company.

What makes us different

Identifying the resources required for optimal sales management: We analyze in detail the resources, from personnel to tools, that are needed to establish an efficient and effective sales management process.

Developing a sales strategy that focuses on the client and objectives: We develop a sales strategy that focuses on satisfying the target clients’ needs while ensuring that it is aligned with the company’s objectives to maximize effectiveness.

Culture of continuous improvement and agile leadership: We foster a corporate culture that promotes continuous improvement and agile leadership, driving innovation and rapid adaptation to changes and challenges.

Evaluating and recommending the best CRM option: We carry out a comprehensive analysis to select the most appropriate CRM according to the company’s specific needs, ensuring a choice that enhances the sales processes.

Achieving sales excellence through simplified and effective processes: We implement simplified and systemic processes that optimize efficiency, achieving effective execution and excellence in sales management.


The Future of Customer Relationship Management

In the coming years, the right Customer Relationship Management (CRM) will define a company's success in the business world. In 2021, 45% of organizations globally identified Customer Experience (CX) as a vital and decisive factor for sales success. This approach will be necessary in order to be competitive. Furthermore, 86% of customers have shown that they are willing to spend more with those organizations that personalize their services, highlighting the importance of individualized and effective customer care. A sales industry report revealed that 70% of salespeople consider CRM to be "very important" in meeting assigned sales targets.

14 Critical CRM Trends To Keep an Eye on in 2023, Select Hub
15 Key CRM Software Trends & Predictions for 2022/2023 and Beyond, Finances Online

Effectively Implement a CRM Tailored
to your company needs