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Low Code/No Code Platforms: how to take advantage for Digital Acceleration in a high software developers demand context

Written by Martin Cervantes | May 18, 2023 7:02:53 PM

In the digital age, companies are racing to stay competitive whilst digital acceleration stays a priority towards digital transformation in all sized organizations.

In this context, with a software developers’ shortage worldwide, striving a low-code/now-code platform strategy becomes an attractive option for these goals while reducing costs, time-to-market and required technical skills.

Traditional software development methods can be time-consuming, resource-intensive, and costly. The process typically involves a team of developers, project managers, and quality assurance professionals working together to build custom software solutions from scratch. However, with the advent of low-code/no-code platforms, businesses can now build, deploy, and manage applications with minimal coding expertise.

How do Low-Code/No-Code platforms benefit companies?

The advantages of low-code/no-code platforms are clear. They can enable organizations to deliver applications more quickly, reduce development costs, and improve agility. This approach also allows for easier collaboration between business users and developers, enabling better communication and faster feedback loops.

These advantages can be potentialized depending on the defined incorporation strategy, whether with a Center of Excellence and citizen developers, or using development teams, both can be successful and help achieve digital acceleration. 

The end goal of incorporating digital solutions in processes as part of a digital acceleration strategy is to have data enablers for decision making, improve customer service and enhance existing processes to streamline efficiency and create insightful data analytics from daily activities for continuous improvement. 

Low-code / no-code solutions create the possibility for shorter go-to-market or go-live from digital solutions that range from process automation, custom made applications, customer portals and multiple data source integration in one single solution.  

Another advantage of low-code/no-code platforms is their scalability. As businesses grow and their needs change, these platforms can be adapted to meet new requirements quickly and easily. This can help businesses stay ahead of the competition and respond to changing market conditions with greater agility.

In conclusion, low-code/no-code platforms are a powerful tool for achieving digital acceleration. They offer numerous benefits, including faster time-to-market, reduced costs, improved collaboration, and better scalability. Furthermore, incorporating data analytics and performance management into end-to-end processes can help businesses make better decisions and improve overall performance. With these advantages in mind, decision-makers should consider leveraging low-code/no-code platforms as part of their digital transformation strategy.

How to achieve success with low-code/no-code platforms?

Some items to consider to achieve the successful use of low-code / no-code platforms as a digital acceleration strategy are the following: 

1. Define a clear strategy for Low-Code/No-Code enablement, including the approach to Citizen Development or utilizing professional development teams, and whether to adopt a Bottom-Up or Top-Down approach. 
  • This helps the organization understand who is responsible for its development and how the needs for low-code/no-code development will be generated and prioritized within the organization. 
2. Identify use cases where Low-Code/No-Code platforms can be leveraged to address business needs and create a roadmap for implementation. 
  • Understand the top information technology needs in the company and compare towards the capability of Low-Code / No-Code platforms. 

3. Assess the organization's current IT infrastructure and identify any necessary upgrades or changes to support Low-Code/No-Code development.

4. Identify and train individuals within the organization who will be responsible for developing and maintaining applications using Low-Code/No-Code platforms.

5. Establish governance and oversight processes to ensure that applications developed using Low-Code/No-Code platforms are secure, meet quality standards, and align with business objectives, this helps keep a central tracking of all Low-Code/No-Code digital assets to control, monitor and enhance regularly.

6. Monitor and measure the success of Low-Code/No-Code initiatives, including tracking adoption rates, application performance, and user satisfaction.

  • Any information system implementation is successful through the adoption of end users and operational efficiency. By measuring adoption, performance and satisfaction, success can be quantified and used for systematized continuous improvement in development. 

7. Continuously refine and hence improve the Low-Code/No-Code strategy based on feedback from users and changes in the business environment.

In London Consulting Group we implement in collaboration with our clients, digital solutions and the incorporation of Low-Code / No-Code platforms from strategy to execution. Define your strategy today and transform your business.

Autor: Martin Cervantes

Digital Transformation Manager – Caribbean